#TRIBALBILOVES: summer shoes to die for

Bored at home browsing through the infinite universe of shoe brands on the Internet? Yeah, we feel you. As lockdown restrictions ease, it is only natural that we want to make plans to head out of our homes dressed to the nines. After all, after months of wearing exclusively loungewear, we want to feel confident and elegant again.

We at Tribalbi have spent too (probably excessively) long hours in front of our computer screens trying to find the perfect footwear to head out in style this summer. So much, that we have gathered a list of hand-picked shoes so that you get some (further ;) ) inspiration for your next purchase.

We have put preference over brands with conscious and sustainable practices or that choose local over exported. The result: a list of beautiful shoes that are both great for the planet and for your confidence. Thank us later!


These are giving us major Bottega Veneta vibes, but in a gorgeous pink that is perfect for an extra addition of life to your wardrobe.

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Dorateymur Sandals


Adidas has shown a lot of initiative recently to become more sustainable, and its main focus has been footwear. Just check out these sandals! They are modern, edgy and good for the planet.

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Adidas Sandals


Dreaming about a summer in Ibiza? With these shoes you will feel like you are sunbathing in one of the island’s beautiful "calas".

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CASTAÑER Espadrilles


These sandals are for those who always look elegant, no matter where they go. Plus, they give you a little bit extra height. To be honest, who doesn’t want that?

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White Sandals


This season clearly is the perfect time to head out in this classic. Bottega Veneta reinvents the ballerina and gives it a “Daniel Leeasian” approach that we can’t help but to obsess over.

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Okay, yes, we admit it: we are dying to go on vacation to the European coast. We’ll stop being melancholic now, but we are here to tell you greek-style sandals are big this summer, and we are not mad about that. Not at all.

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When we saw these, we knew we had to add them to this list. Have you seen the beautiful material? The combination of soft silk with a pouch platform that these offer has made us come up with a name of our own for them: street slippers. They do look like that, right?!?

Silk Sandals


This combo never seems to get out of style, that’s why we chose it. Also, when you buy these shoes from Brave Soles you upcycle 0.3 tires, avoid 1.4 Km
of emissions and save 54.7 hours of bulb energy. How cool is that?

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Leather Slide Sandals


The Italian brand Ash is known for their leather goods and craftsmanship. For this occasion, we have chosen one of their mule models which we think combine perfectly the animal print and leather.

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Animal Print Mule


Porte and Pair blesses us with a pair of sandals that are perfect for any summer occasion and easily match with all your clothes. This is a staple to get your hands on, trust us.

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Leather Sandals