We are a community that aims towards a sustainable future for fashion. We believe in respecting, loving and caring for our clothes, the environment and humanity. Also, we think about your clothes as a profitable good that can be shared among our tribals so that you, apart from getting gorgeous new clothes every month, also earn money from your closet. It’s a win-win strategy, and you can be a part of it.
We offer several services in order to create a closed loop for fashion. We offer rental services for our community, we give a voice to fresh innovative designers and offer possibilities for upcycling those clothes that cannot be rented anymore.
We do this in order to change the retail industry for the good, giving you a profit for your closet and also** providing designers and fashion students a platform** in which they can be seen and given fabric resources to develop their brand. We aim to close the circle so that clothes never go to waste and are given a new life over and over again.
The fashion industry is the second most polluting in the world, taking up to 1.5 trillion liters of water per year and having an annual value of prematurely discarded clothing of more than $400 billion. This situation is critical, but we discovered that we can change it, and that you can be a part of this. Being part of an initiative for a good global cause has never been easier… or more profitable 😉
We feel the responsibility to do better and to change the vision people have of fashion. We want to shift the buy-and-wear-once mindset into one where clothes have an added value, for the planet and for your pocket.
We want you to monetize your closet, to reuse, to upcycle and recycle. We want your clothes to have a value they’ve never had before: the value of belonging to a community where they’ll never go to waste.
That’s why we decided to create a community where everyone could join the movement towards fashion for good and motivate each other to close the loop and share their clothes.